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[分享] Star Nest Skybox Shader 星空天空盒


[分享] Star Nest Skybox Shader 星空天空盒

夏沫秋茶 发表于 2016-6-22 14:35:38 浏览:  30375 回复:  0 [显示全部楼层] 复制链接


Credit to Pablo Román Andrioli for the 'Star Nest' Algorithm. Animated Procedural Skybox effect using the Star Nest algorithm, ported from ShaderToy/GLSL Sandbox to Unity3d Contains 3d skybox and 2d surface shaders with easy access to shader parameters in the editor. Perfect for any game that needs procedural space backgrounds. Note: Shaders are a bit expensive, and not intended for mobile. Option to reduce the quality or disable them entirely should be included with any shipped game, even on Win/Mac/Linux.


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