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metaio Cloud Plugin官方教程--App Store的应用部署提示


metaio Cloud Plugin官方教程--App Store的应用部署提示

Luc_metaio 发表于 2014-6-17 13:44:00 浏览:  15547 回复:  1 只看该作者 复制链接
使用metaio SDK或Cloud Plugin创建简单AR应用后,App Store可能会以下面几个理由拒绝您的应用:


We found that your app only provides a very limited set of features. It only provides an augmented reality reader mechanism with no other functionality.

While we value simplicity, we consider simplicity to be uncomplicated - not limited in features and functionality. We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide valuable utility or entertainment, draw people in by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn't do before or in a way they couldn't do it before.

We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional content and features to be in compliance with the Guidelines. For information on the basics of creating great apps, watch the video The Ingredients of Great Apps.If you feel we didn't understand the features of your app, or that we missed key functionality, and your app was incorrectly rejected, you may appeal to the App Review Board.


Your app enables features or functionality when used with AR markers, but those features are not completely dependent on the approved accessory, and are not also available through the app without the physical product.

Specifically, it would be appropriate to provide an alternative mechanism to unlock the same features that are unlocked by scanning the AR markers. For example, by providing a link to a website within the app where the AR markers can be downloaded, by including instructions in the app on how to obtain the needed AR markers, through gameplay, or through In-App Purchase.



请合理利用Notes to the Reviewer(附给应用审查员的说明)部分的填写。请确保其中内容能够帮助审查员(a)快速并(b)准确地了解你的应用程序。请添加如下信息:

  • 开启应用
  • 等待应用加载完成
  • 将设备摄像头对准如下标识:[标识链接]
  • [让审查员了解应用会带来何种体验]
  • 添加一个提示,告诉审查员如果手头上没有跟踪目标图片该如何使用本应用。如:请注意:如果用户手头上没有[跟踪目标(宣传单、杂志、海报、图片)],他们可以通过[点击help/info按钮,点击广告语,点击某按钮]来获取内容

在应用启动之后,请避免让应用停留在摄像头画面状态,这会使审查员(或您的用户)感到困惑。请您提供一个简单的指示图标来告诉用户下一步需要干什么,请参阅junaio Quickstart的做法


  • 使用3D按钮代替触发来展示AR的好处。例如,在应用指南页面中添加一个播放按钮来指向一个指导视频,或者在一张静止图像上叠加一个播放按钮来触发视频的播放
  • 请确保在应用中整合的AR是符合常理的,并记得把这个概念传递给Apple。例如,在一个房地产宣传单上叠加一个3D房屋,并添加按钮用来触发宣传视频和360度房屋全景观测,这个场景设计就很合理。或者,让用户可以在阅读纸质杂志时使用社交网络分享文章,这也是一个合理的AR场景。但是,在Apple标志上叠加一个老虎模型,这个就不怎么合理


  • 对您的应用添加即时跟踪(请参考SDK、AREL或Creator教程)功能,这样一来,就算相应的跟踪图像没有找到,用户也不会无法实现任何功能。用户的使用流程如下所示:

  • 用户打开应用或频道。界面最下方有个按钮,上面的文字为“获取跟踪目标/杂志/图像/海报”
  • 点击之后,应用会指示用户将设备置于周围纹理性很强的表面/图像/杂志,并点击开始按钮
  • 应用使用即时跟踪功能来将内容覆盖在从摄像头画面中截取的跟踪目标上。为了使应用看起来更完整,您可以把应该扫描的跟踪目标图片添加到内容的下面

  • 对应用添加一个按钮,使用超链将用户指向下载pdf或图像标识的地方。这个功能最好添加在用户指示标签上,而且应该是在应用刚开始之后或第一次互动开始之前(如,第一次扫描之前)。

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